Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.                 /T. Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky, p. 349/

Sunday 29 January 2012

Antony And The Johnsons

After spending a fortnight in The Netherlands, I am finally having a nice, relaxing weekend. Coming back to Groningen is always nice. En effet, coming to any city you feel a "tingle for", is nice. And unless you've experienced some crazy sh***, you always feel something for the city/place you spent your Erasmus student exchange in.

So, when begining this blog in ole September 2010, I had this idea to change the name of it, whenever I travel extensively. Louis and The Primers was the first thing that flashed out at the begining of my Erasmus experience and well, just this weekend, I've had an unintended suggestion for a new name.

Thus, I give you: Antony and the Johnsons, which is, by the way, a really nice band.
See this: Fistful of love (jazz/rock) and this: Hope there's someone (niiice).

Thank you, R.!

Sunday 22 January 2012

'Wageningen best university in the Netherlands, again'

Study guide: 'Wageningen best university in the Netherlands, again'

The Dutch study guide Keuzegids has - again - concluded that Wageningen University, part of Wageningen UR, is the best university in the Netherlands. It's the seventh consecutive year that Wageningen University tops the list. 'Wageningen leaves its competitors even further behind than in previous years', writes the Information Centre for Higher Education (CHOI), publisher of the 'Keuzegids

Universiteiten 2012'.
Bachelor studies of all universities in the Netherlands were compared. In almost all categories the bachelor programmes of Wageningen University are on top of the list.

Website Keuzegids (in Dutch)

Saturday 21 January 2012

Amsterdam flatsearch

V nobenem primeru vam ne privoščim iskanja stanovanja v Amsterdamu (ali Utrechtu, kamor morda greva).

Včeraj sva komaj dobila en ogled stanovanja; ful fajn, samo tista soba, ki bi jo midva imela (itak da je deljeno stanovanje, še s 2-mi ljudmi), nima pokrivala/vrat na stopnicah ... tako da bi ... se vse slišalo. + Če bi kdo kuhal, bi pomojem vohala vedno. Aja, cena: 700 eur / mesec za sobo + deljeno stanovanje. Pa še 700 eur je agency fee za posredovanje. Pa 700 eur plačaš za polog lastniku (ajde, štekam).

Dans sva bila pa na marketu - mmmm, super. Imava svež kruh, zelenjavo za cel teden (jap, jutri se še enkrat seliva, tak da bo še zabavno), ananas za 1 € (čist normalen, sam pač ni AlbertHeijn, ampak tržnica) in trije avokadi za 1 € (guacamole bo za večerjo + losos, tudi đabe).

Zdej kosilo in iskanje fleta po netu naprej, popoldne pa še en ogled. Bomo vidli.
Heel moi!

Thursday 12 January 2012

100 kmn/h

Pred odhodom je bilo še celo vesolje stvari za narest. Izselit sebe. Izselit naju. Dobit nekoga za stanovanje, spakirat, napakirat, pojest ene par zadnjih kosil in večerij. Za frizerja, recimo, ni bilo časa. Pa sej mam mašino s seboj. That oughta do.

Pot gor je bila zabavna - N. je dan pred odhodom spala med 8:30 in 9:30 uro, urco popoldne; jaz od 4h do 9:30. Zvečer ona med 23. in 4:30, jaz nič. Pol sva pa na dve uri vožnje menjala, vmes je pa drugi spal/jedel. Ekonomično.

Sva ga pa kar šopala - 120 - 140 km/h, oz. 100 kmn/h. Torej 100 kamionov na uro. Sem štel. Možn, da sem se zmotu in da sem štel samo pol ure. V tem primeru sva vozila vsaj 200 kmn/h! Vau, a?! :)